A word on the Big Build from our Chief Executive, Sarah-Jane Marsh

"I am delighted to introduce this Strategic Outline Case for the transformative redevelopment of services, and buildings, to facilitate outstanding care for children, young people, women and families of the Midlands and beyond.
"As the UK’s only dedicated women’s and children’s Trust we have a proud history, spanning three centuries, of providing specialist care that has pushed the boundaries of what is possible, and changed lives around the world.
"This success has been borne out of continually growing and changing to meet new challenges, and leading the way in children's and maternity services at every level - a philosophy that is very much alive today.
"Locally, we are at the forefront of the emerging Integrated Care System in Birmingham and Solihull, improving the life chances of a generation; regionally we lead a growing number of clinical networks, driving up standards for patients and families; and nationally, our extensive specialised services portfolio delivers world class outcomes.
"Our vision is to be a world leading team providing world leading care. However, our amazing people are currently pursuing their goal in buildings that are as old as our history, and which are approaching the end of their operational life. They are poorly suited to person-centred sustainable pathways, and limit the introduction of new technology and ways of working.
"This case makes it clear that, without prompt investment, it will become increasingly difficult for us to meet the needs of the women and children who rely on our expertise today, and who deserve us to continue pushing the boundaries of the possible for tomorrow.
"We have considered the full range of options available to us; being ambitious in where our clinical strategy might take us to re-imagine how we deliver our care, brave in recognising that our financial strategy must preserve the future affordability of our services, and compassionate in selecting a solution that delivers the very best experience and clinical excellence for those who need us most.
"Our journey to Outline Business Case will be in partnership with children, young people, women, families, and colleagues in other organisations, ensuring that whatever we build is reflective of a much deeper change in the way care is provided. With a track record of financial prudence, and the necessary land already secured for developments, this proposal has potential to proceed at pace, and deliver the new buildings essential to the future of women’s and children’s services as early as 2025.
"This could truly be the start of something new."